2012 Noosa Triathlon

Noosa Triathlon Results I have never been a fan of Triathlons, namely due to 2 reasons - the 1st is I can't swim and the 2nd is that the standard course and lack of surprise in the day. I can see where it suits some people, but it's not for me. I have been doing general training with a good bunch of guys who have the Tri focus, and the pinnicle of Tri's, being the Noosa one. So last year I got a last minute request from a friend that he had a spare spot, so I thought I would give it a shot. I won't bore you with the training history, but I love to ride and run but can't swim. Even up to the event, I still hadn't EVER done over 1.2KM in the pool, and when I did that it took me 45 minutes. I had also completed the cycle leg a few times (even on the mountain bike) and the run leg a couple of times as well, so I knew 2/3 of the course relatively well. So given the above, I started the event, probably made 30m in freestyle, but then did the rest of the swim leg in BREAST STROKE. Slow and steady, with wave after wave of swimmers from 'waves' after me overtaking me (often swimming over me) - with the occasional lifeguard asking if I was ok - which I was. It was just soo slow! Getting out of the water I knew I would be in pain going in the upcoming legs, but I was stoked as in my mind I had competed 90% of the event with the swim completed. The ride was standard - a bit wet, but hard with my quads absolutely burning from the swim, and the run was also painful, but completed in an ok time. So happy to have completed this in my targeted under 3 hours and happy to say I probably won't be back in a hurry, unless someone needs a spare cyclist or runner.  


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