2024 Black Mountain 50k

An event picked out based on my scheduled holiday to the USA, with this one fitting in nicely as we were going to be in the Los Angeles prior this weekend, and San Diago is only a relatively quick trip from LA.

Usual Pre-event warm up routine captured here. Also a photo to appreciate the early morning fog that was unusual, given in San Diago the weather had been had been so clear - although we ere at some altitude.

The first 3km, was a nice inclide to warm the body up, yes it was suprising cool at the start. Stuck to the mandatory warming up hills with a sneaky jumpshot to tick that off for the event early which was great. 

From the 3km to the 10km, was lovely rolling terrain. Hard packed gravel terrain but typical dry desert conditions. Still cool, and enjoyable. Probably went a bit hard here as was trying to keep up with some other runners who knew where they were going. 

So far the course was well marked, but had a few times of doubt - fortunately I also the course loaded on my watch, so I was not overly worried about going off course.

From 10km - 20km it was some steep downhills, little too steep to run, but enjoyable to have a break from the ups.


As we hit the 20km mark and an aid station, was an out and back. Was funny seeing the high spirits of every one coming back along the single track (probably because they knew they were in from of you), and then getting to the non event turn around point, then you were the one in high spirits pulling up the runners behind you. 

Hitting lunchtime and the final 2 ascents of Black Mountain, I was starting to really heat up, mainly from the hot sun, so pulled out the long sleeve top and started the journey up to the summit. 

Now for the brutal section of the course. Not knowing the course profile too well, we were sort-of almost heading towards the summit and then would be heading home, but no. A big no, we had to take a turn which takes you almost back down to the lowest point of the course. Still trying to run where I can - it was so hot! Fortunately there was an aid station on the way back down to refill the water and take on some ice around the neck! Love my Buff! 

Finally getting to the bottom, then starting the journey back up the summit, I was both cooked in the legs and getting super temperature hot. Realizing it was going to be a long grind back up to the top, took it controlled - super appreciative of the ad hoc aid station handing out icy poles on the course! Once finally i made it to the top, I was too cooked to get photos, just wanted to get some hydation and leg it back down to the finish line. 

In true shuffling form, made it back to the final oval where i was greeted by Rupert for the last 200m, where I I could really aenjoy a small trot with him and then a charity jump shot to finish. 

Super happy to have Lisa and Rupert at the finish line the help pack up and get home for a shower! 

A really well run event, and looking at the start list, I think I was the only non local attending it! Super fun to be a park of a local community event and associated vibe. Totally recommend if you are in the San Diago area, to at least explore some of Black Mountain and ideally do an event there. 


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