2017 Bloody Long Walk Brisbane

An event to support Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, I was invited to attend from an old childhood friend. Figuring it would be a better way to catch-up rather than over a few drinks, we would do this event together (with a few others as well) and to support a great foundation - it really was a no brainer to attend. The bus from the city left at about 5.40am, and arrived at Sandgate at about 6.40am - realizing we were the last Wave -3 -  I was ok with that. After a bib collection and a quick wait for our group release we were starting. The first 3km I was walking, and warming up and having a great chat to Sasha - it had only been 30? years since I had seen her, but realizing I we were going at 10min /km - it would take 6 hours to get back - I didn't have that long. So at the 3km I left the group and went solo for the rest of the way, enjoying the paths I often ride, passing all the friendly walkers and groups all having a good time! It was only early in the event. I must say this was one of the best signed, and volunteered events I have attended in a while.  I am a firm believer if appreciating the volunteers during the course, as these events couldn't happen without them and gives you a bit spring in your step! The event also gave me a chance to think about my Nutrition for some upcoming events later this month/year, happy to report that I think I have finally think I have well aligned to my body. Managed to feel good the whole way and no cramps or dead energy spots. If you need some tips - let me know. At the finish, there was only about 10 people, probably because I was in a gap between all the runners (who left an hour before me) and the walkers who hadn't come in yet. All up and great morning, and happy to support a great foundation!


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