2023 Tarawera 100 Miles

2006 XPD Tasmania

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2024 Black Mountain 50k

2023 Guzzler 100k

2023 Tarawera 100 Miles

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2024 Black Mountain 50k

An event picked out based on my scheduled holiday to the USA, with this one fitting in nicely as we were going to be in the Los Angeles prior this …

2024 Brisbane Trail Marathon

Sunday 28th April 

Not having done some longer runs in a while, the Brisbane Trail Marathon was a neat addition for the schedule. Although not training for anything specific at …

2023 Guzzler 100k

Another year back on the Guzzler Course. With the ticket purchase 1.5 weeks before the event and deciding to do it as a make up to last years less than stellor …

2023 Tarawera 100 Miles

A long time coming with an entry to the 2022 event and it being cancelled, 2023 was the chance to go back and revisit the lovely terrain and atmosphere of …